Curriculum Instruction Assessment
The Hermon School Department believes that participation in state and local assessments is important. As both individual schools and as a district, we use a variety of data points to make decisions about the curriculum and instruction. Although we do not believe that a single test defines a school's successes or challenges, this testing data does provide us with information about our curricular programs. We encourage you to read the Maine Department of Education's "Why Participation Matters" flyer (linked below). This flyer provides more information about how participating in state assessments can support our schools.
When is the testing and how do I get the results?
The Maine Educational Assessments (MEA) are administered each spring, usually between the months of March and April. The testing results are typically made available to districts and individual schools the following fall. As soon as these results are made available, the Hermon School Department sends the individual student reports home to parents. If you have additional questions or would like support in gaining access to or reading your child's test results, please contact your child's principal or the Hermon School Department's Curriculum Coordinator, Melissa Davis.
What if I want my child to Opt-Out of testing?
The Hermon School Department firmly believes that the state assessments provide important data for our district and school regarding curriculum and instructional programming. Although we strongly encourage all students to participate fully in both our state and local assessments, it is important to note that parents/guardians have the right to opt-out of state testing. If you are interested in doing so, please use this link to print and complete the required form. This form should be returned to your child's principal.
Additional Questions and Resources
A Parent's Guide to Standardized Testing is a helpful resource for parents of students in all grades. It further explains how educators use test results, and what your rights are as a parent/guardian.
If you have questions about state and local testing, please reach out to the Hermon School Department Curriculum Coordinator:
Melissa Biehn
(207) 848-4000